What Is Mortgage Insurance and How Does It Benefit Me? Let’s Take a Look

Are you in the market for a new home? If you are considering a mortgage, you may be curious about mortgage insurance, commonly referred to as PMI or MI. Let's explore the topic of mortgage insurance, including how it works to reduce risk and how it benefits you as the mortgage borrower. Mortgage Insurance = Risk Reduction You might not know this, but the toughest part of the home buying process for many individuals and families is coming up with the required down payment. For example, if you were to buy a $200,000 home, you may want to invest $40,000…
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Current Servicemember or Veteran? 4 Reasons Why a VA Home Loan Is an Excellent Choice

Are you current or former member of the US military service who is looking to buy a new home? If so, you will be pleased to know that there are some special mortgage programs that are open to you. Let's take a look at five reasons why a mortgage backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs is an excellent choice when buying your new home. You Can Borrow Up To 100% Of The Home's Value You read that correctly! VA-backed mortgages are available to you even if you choose to put no money towards your down payment. This can be…
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The 4-Step Financial Checkup to Get Ready for a Mortgage This Year

Are you ready to join the ranks of homeowners in our local community? Congratulations – homeownership is a big step towards building your net worth and financial freedom. However, it is also a significant transaction that will affect your finances for the foreseeable future. Let's take a look at a quick four-step checklist that will help you to get ready to buy a home with a mortgage this year. Step 1: Set Up A Monthly Budget It might sound a little basic, but the best first step is to commit to a monthly budget. After you buy a home using…
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