Short-Term Vacation Rentals: What To Know

If you are interested in purchasing a rental property, you might want a short-term rental that you can use as a vacation home. This can be a great way to generate some additional income, and you might be able to make thousands of dollars every week if you purchase a property in the right location. On the other hand, there are several important factors you need to consider before you purchase a rental property.  The Marketing Process You are only going to make money on your rental property if you can convince people to stay there. Why would someone decide…
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What To Know About Property Lines

If you are in the process of buying a new home, you know that there are a lot of moving parts involved. You need to know everything you can about a potential house before you decide to purchase it, and that includes the property lines. What do you need to know about property lines, and why are they so important? How Are Property Lines Drawn? While property lines are the borders that separate one property from another, they are also legal boundaries. Essentially, property lines determine what you do and do not own. There is a chance that someone may…
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The Top Benefits Of A Single Close Construction Loan

If you are thinking about building your own home, you might be wondering how construction loans work. There are plenty of options available, but one of the most popular choices is a single-close construction loan. This type of loan allows you to close on not only the construction expenses but also your financing costs at the same time. Essentially, a single-close construction loan will convert into your mortgage after the construction on your home is finished. What are some of the top benefits of this type of loan? Save Time One of the first benefits of a single-close construction loan…
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