You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Pros and Cons of Private Mortgage Insurance?

It's easy to get Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) confused with homeowners' insurance, but PMI is an entirely different thing that may or may not be necessary when it comes to your home purchase. If you're going to be investing in a home in the near future and are wondering what PMI may mean for you, here are some things to consider regarding this type of insurance. Your Down Payment Amount If you've been perusing the housing market for a while, you've probably heard that 20% is the ideal amount to put down when investing in a home; however, you might…
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What Is Mortgage Insurance and How Does It Benefit Me?

Are you in the market for a new home? If you are considering a mortgage, you may be curious about mortgage insurance, commonly referred to as PMI or MI. Let's explore the topic of mortgage insurance, including how it works to reduce risk and how it benefits you as the mortgage borrower. Mortgage Insurance = Risk Reduction You might not know this, but the toughest part of the home buying process for many individuals and families is coming up with the required down payment. For example, if you were to buy a $200,000 home, you may want to invest $40,000…
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Do You Need Mortgage Insurance Even If It’s Not Required By Your Lender? Let’s Take A Look

Finding a proper mortgage loan and understanding the processing procedures behind the loan is the basis of good research. The down payment on a mortgage loan is typically significant when dealing with mortgage insurance. Most loan applications with less than 20% down payment are required to include mortgage insurance with the loan. However, mortgage insurance may still be required even if it's not typically required by your lender. Underwriting Requirements Most home mortgage applications undergo a strict set of standards for approval. These standards are known as underwriting and make up the bulk of time spent on a mortgage application.…
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