Expecting Children: How to Quickly Move into a Larger Home Before a Baby Arrives

Starter homes are incredibly popular for young couples who plan to have a family in the future but don't need a large place yet. Life moves pretty fast sometimes and many couples find themselves expecting children before they have begun to look for the next home. This shouldn't be a problem, as moving into a larger home before the baby arrives can be a lot easier than it appears. Always Move Before The Baby Is Born There is a choice when upgrading a home for children: moving beforehand and settling down in advance of having kids or waiting until after…
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From Big to Small: How to Downsize from a Large House to a Smaller, More Efficient Home

If you're moving from a large home into a smaller house or condo, you're probably looking forward to enjoying a lower utility bill and not having to do as much cleaning. But before you move, you'll want to take certain precautions to ensure that you're not overwhelmed. A smaller home won't have as much room for your belongings, which means you may need to get creative. Here's how you can downsize without losing your mind. Decide What You're Going To Keep Before you do anything else, choose which of your belongings are coming with you. Unless you've habitually been getting…
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Moving to the City? How to Downsize from a Large House to a Smaller Condo or Apartment

Many people make the decision to move from the country or the suburbs into the heart of the downtown area for a number of reasons, such as to enjoy proximity to work or to enjoy the urban lifestyle. With the higher cost of real estate in central urban areas and with real estate space at a premium, many who make the decision to relocate will need to downsize from a larger house to a smaller condo or apartment. While this can be challenging, it can be accomplished by following a few steps. Choose The Right Pieces To Keep When downsizing…
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