Do You Need a Real Estate Attorney to Help Close Your Home Purchase? Let’s Take a Look

When buying a new home, you may have a close eye focused on your budget and expenses, and your goal may be to keep related expenses to a minimum. However, you may also be well aware that a real estate purchase is a legal transaction, and you may be wondering if you need to pay for legal services from a real estate attorney. With a closer look, you can make a better decision that is right for your home buying plans. The Legal Forms Used With A Typical Transaction The majority of real estate contracts will be written using standard…
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Buying a Home? What to Do if Problems Are Found During the Final Home Inspection

As a home buyer, you may go through a number of different steps to ensure that the property that you purchase is in great condition. For example, you may complete an initial walk-through or even several home tours before you make an offer. You may also order a property inspection and even negotiate for the seller to make some repairs on your behalf. A day or two before your closing date, you may set up a final home inspection to ensure that the home is still in the same condition as the initial walk-through. In most cases, there will be…
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Home Buying Horror Stories: How Buying a Home Can Go Wrong – and How to Avoid These Mistakes

When you buy a home, you may have dreams of settling into a beautiful new space that meets your needs and that your family can feel comfortable in. While many will enjoy this vision of domestic tranquility after taking ownership of their dream home, others have had their dream turn into a veritable nightmare due to some simple mistakes or oversights on their part. By understanding these mistakes, you can avoid making them yourself. Paying Too Much For The Property One the surface, the main cost of buying a home relates to the sales price, and it is true that…
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