3 Things You Need To Know About Divorce And Homeownership

Divorce can be an incredibly emotional and financially stressful time. Questions about what happens to assets and the family home add to the anxiety. Each state has divorce laws that differ and that can complicates decision-making. For example, marital assets are distributed differently in community property states from equitable distribution ones. The idea of 50-50 splits may be a myth because judges have the discretion to deviate from even percentages. That being said, these are three things you should know about homeownership when contemplating divorce. Who Gets The House? This often ranks as the biggest question among divorcing spouses. Many…
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How To Keep Your Pets Safe During Your Home Sale

If you have pet, you probably wonder what you can do to keep them safe after you decide to put your home up for sale. With all the disruption going on during a home sale, it's all too easy for pets to get lost, frightened or even injured. Learn how to keep your beloved pets safe during your home sale. Provide An Oasis During Repair Work Most home sellers make a few repairs before allowing agents to show the home for sale. In some cases, repairs can be extensive, leading to a lot of construction materials, tools and strange new items in the…
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Complete These Repairs Before You List Your Home

There are several things to do when you prepare to list your home for sale. One of the projects you'll need to do is complete certain repairs. Your home should be in the best possible condition before your real estate agent shows it to potential buyers. While your home doesn't need to be perfect, here is a list of repairs you should strive to get done before you open your home to showings. Front Steps And Deck Issues The front entrance and back deck should be in good shape for curb appeal and safety. Replace or repair wooden steps that…
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