3 Ways Tax Reform Affects Your Real Estate Investments

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 instituted some of the most dramatic changes to the financial landscape in the United States in over 30 years. These adjustments to the IRS code have an effect on everyone who earns and spends money in this country. What changes can real estate investors expect to see from the new legal standards? Higher Standard Deduction, Less Itemized Deductions Before the reforms, single tax filers were allowed a standard deduction of $6,350. Married couples filing jointly were given $12,700. The standard deduction is the amount of income you can earn before any income…
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Real Estate Remains A Strong Wealth Management Investment

A young long-haul trucker driver once took an elder's advice and invested all of his money into real estate. Even though he was seldom at home to enjoy the fruits of his labor, he hired a property management company to handle the properties. The advice that stuck with the driver was simple. "They're not making any more of it, land that is." In terms of growing personal wealth, the real estate market may fluctuate, interest rates change, and the GDP can bounce like a ball. But, land is permanent. That may seem like a simplistic view of wealth management. Maybe…
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