New Home Prices Going Down Making Them More Affordable

Residential real estate developers in America are responding to a national slowdown in new home construction by building smaller homes that are more modestly priced. The demand for smaller, less expensive homes is growing, while the overall demand for new custom homes is declining. Prices decreased slightly, by about one-half percent, from the price levels in 2018 for newly-constructed homes. Lower Profits For Builders The median price for a newly-constructed home in America is $372,900. The median sales price of an existing home is $309,700. American construction companies are feeling the pressure to build lower-priced homes along with the increased…
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Case-Shiller: June Home Prices Grew at Slowest Pace in 12 Years

Home price growth continued to slow in June according to Case-Shiller's 20-City Home Price Index. 17 cities reported higher home prices in June, but three cities reported lower home prices month-to-month. Seattle, Washington was the only city to report lower home prices year-over-year in June. Phoenix, Arizona Home Price Growth Highest in June Phoenix, Arizona toppled Last Vegas, Nevada's hold on first place for home price growth in June. According to Case-Shiller's 20-City Home Price Index, home prices in Phoenix rose by 5.80 percent year-over-year in June. Las Vegas, Nevada followed closely with year-over-year home price growth of 5.50 percent.…
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Should You Brace For A Potential Market Downturn Next Year?

Don't panic, a looming recession may be good news for those wanting to sell their homes. The experts say this recession may happen in 2020, so there is still plenty of time to make plans for how to deal with a potential economic downturn. In many parts of America, especially in popular cities, the real estate markets are super hot for sellers. Home sales are coming in at prices that are record highs. For sellers in these hot markets, it might be time to sell. For buyers, able to wait until next year, the prices may come down. What The…
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