5 First Steps For New Homeowners

As a new homeowner, now is the time to take control and organize your house for safety and security. The following first five steps should be carried out in the first few weeks if possible. 1. Change The Locks There's no way of knowing if the previous owners gave copies of the house keys to a friend, neighbor or cleaning staff. The very first thing you should do when you take ownership is to re-key the locks on all the doors, including the garage and any outbuildings there may be on the property. Alternatively, you can install brand new locks.…
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New Home Construction Boom Expected

The housing market has been trending in a positive direction and economic indicators point to new home construction going vertical. Following the housing bubble and sluggish post-recession economy, construction companies largely turned their attention away from new homes. Diminished values, high regulatory and materials costs served as deterrents to home-building. But the economic revival the country is experiencing - coupled with a housing shortage - has builders poised to jump back into the single-family home game. Here are three reasons new home construction is expected to boom. 1: First-Time Buyer Lifestyles Consider that the last big new construction boom occurred…
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Long-Distance House Hunting Tips

Hunting for a house is stressful enough even if you are moving to another part of town. However, when you are searching for a house from afar, it can make the task of finding the right home for your needs seem almost impossible.  Fortunately, in today's high-tech world, you have an array of tools available right at your fingertips that can make it easy to find the perfect house for your needs. So, even if you are looking for a home thousands of miles away, you can do so quickly and with minimal fuss. Partner With The Right Real Estate…
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