4 Things You Should Never, Ever Say If You Hope to Sell Your Home

Have you ever had a conversation with a total stranger where you said something that you regret? If you are placing your house or condo on the market, you're eventually going to end up having to chat with potential buyers. Yes, your real estate agent is likely to do most of the talking. However, you will still have to deal with buyers who want to grill you about the home's history, condition, and more. With that in mind, let's have a look at four things you should never say to someone who is interested in buying your home. "We're Not…
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On Time, Every Time: How Being Late on Monthly Payments Can Affect Your Mortgage

Are you the type of person that struggles with remembering to pay their bills on time? You're not alone. People across the country regularly submit late monthly payments, inflicting terrible damage to their credit. Let's take a quick look at how paying your loan or other monthly payments late can have a negative impact on your mortgage. Your Credit Score Is At Risk As you already know, almost all banks, credit cards, mortgage companies and other lenders rely on your credit score to help assess the risk of lending money to you. Paying any of your payments late – even…
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Four Mistakes to Avoid When Making an Offer for Your Dream Home

You've scoured the new home listings, been to all the open houses and have finally found the home of your dreams. It is now time to draft an offer and begin the negotiation process. Below we'll share four mistakes that you will want to avoid when making an offer on your dream home. Mistake #1 – Not Working With A Professional The first mistake that home buyers make is trying to buy a home without using the services of a real estate professional. Buying a home is a significant financial transaction and one where the seller and their agent are…
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