6 Money Making Tips For The First Time Home Seller

Today’s homebuyers can have specific ideas and personal preferences that influence their decision on what attracts them to a particular property. While some prefer a fixer-upper, many desire a home that’s as close to turn-key as possible. First time home sellers may help expedite the process with these six home selling tips.  Determine Right Listing Price A home priced competitively in its market typically sells faster. Professional REALTORS® know the area and look at comparative listings to help determine the right listing price. First time home sellers often think their home should list higher, and this can turn away buyers.…
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7 Excellent Ideas For Building An Eco-Friendly Home

In recent years, building an environmentally friendly home or updating an existing home to be more energy efficient has become much more mainstream. While building an entirely green residence isn't always fiscally possible, simple eco-friendly building techniques and upgrades will ultimately lower your water and electricity bills. These green home improvements will save you money in the long run, while also saving the planet. The following are some of the easiest ways to lower your carbon footprint when building or updating a home.  Build or Purchase a Smaller Home Smaller homes naturally have a lower impact on the environment. There is less square footage…
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Five Reasons Why Spring Is The Perfect Time To Sell

Spring is many people's favorite season of the year. Obviously, there are many valid reasons why this is so;  but, one of the best things about spring is that it is an ideal time to sell your home. If you have considered putting your home on the market any time in the next year or so, check out these five reasons which make spring the ideal time. Buyers are searching - A huge majority of home buyers want to move during summer. Many families have school or work vacations that make the moving process a little easier during this time.…
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