Pros and Cons of Adjustable Rate Mortgages

When you are in the market for a new home, you may be faced with numerous options for financing your home. One of the choices you will have to make is whether to apply for a fixed or adjustable rate mortgage. In some cases, an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) may be your best option, but keep in mind, they are not the answer for everyone. Adjustable rate mortgages can be risky for some borrowers and it's important to understand both the pros and cons. When To Consider Adjustable Rate Mortgages Perhaps one of the best things about ARMs is they…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – May 21st, 2018

Last week's economic releases included the National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index for May, Commerce Department reports on housing starts and building permits issued. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and first-time jobless claims were also released. Home Builder Confidence Rises in May According to the National Association of Home Builders, home builders surveyed indicated higher confidence in housing market conditions for May. April's reading was downwardly revised to an index reading of 68; analysts expected a reading of 69.  May's home builder confidence reading was 70. Any reading over 50 indicates that more builders consider housing market conditions…
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Financing Your Solar Roof

Going solar can make life sunnier for some homeowners. In addition to reducing energy dependence by "borrowing" energy directly from the sun, purchasers may also enjoy a 30 percent federal Solar Investment Tax Credit and other incentives, according to SEIA. Solar roofing can boost a home's equity in some cases, while making it more attractive to future buyers in sun-drenched parts of the country. Best of all, financing that solar roof may be a more attainable goal than homeowners think. Leasing vs. Owning Perhaps the first question a green-minded homeowner should consider is whether to own solar roofing or lease it.…
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