Winter is Here: Prepare Your House with These Three Home Maintenance Tips

Have you prepared your home for the winter? With colder temperatures starting you'll need to spend an hour or two getting your home ready to deal with the possibility of harsher weather and below-freezing temperatures, depending on where you live. Let's take a look at a few quick home maintenance tips that will help you get your house ready for the cold of winter. Check Your Roof, Gutters and Spouts Your roof is one of the most important structural elements in your home and one that is going face the brunt of any inclement weather that passes through your area.…
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Safety First! How Often Should You Clean Your Chimney?

Chimneys are as old as homes themselves. Yet, when it comes to chores, cleaning the chimney is one of the most neglected tasks. While people often think about yard work and housework, they often forget to clean the chimney. When someone neglects to clean the chimney, they risk the development of mold. This can influence the efficiency of the chimney, causing debris to back up into the home. For this reason, it is essential for people to clean their chimneys on a regular schedule.  Make Sure To Inspect The Chimney Properly Chimneys are used seasonally. When the temperature starts to…
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Home Maintenance Tips: How to Organize Your Garage

Perhaps you plan to sell your home in the next few months or years. Keeping your garage organized can save time and ensure that you have storage space when you need it most. Get Your Purge On! Clear out the garage and separate items into categories: keep, trash, donate and recycle. If you get rid of 50 percent of your stuff, you're doing great. The more you can get rid of up front, the less you have to organize! And if you haven't used it in years, why would you need to keep it around? Create Zones Map out space…
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